Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Just last night, as I was reading His Word, one verse struck me like a lightning...
James 3:9 With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness.
As I pondered over this, I realized somethings...
When I scold someone "IDIOT!", I am scolding God too, for he/she is made in God's likeness.
When I think someone is ugly, I'm saying God is ugly too. What is ugliness anyway? Who has the right to say who is beautiful, and who is UGLY?
And I just can't believe people (including myself) can praise God like soooooooooo wonderfully in church during worship or prayer but on certain occasions, we curse, swear, say bad words like "F***!", "SH**!", "#$%%#$^", and so on like nobody's business!!!
Think about it today (I'm speaking to myself too)...
Do you need to change the way you talk?
Maybe you need to think twice before saying foul words?
Who are we to judge others?
How does it benefit yourself, or others by saying those stuffs?
A few reckless words spoken in anger and impatience can cause so much hurt and tear down the trust & respect others have for you in just a few seconds... So, THINK TWICE before you say something you might regret for the rest of your lives.
Just last night, as I was reading His Word, one verse struck me like a lightning...
James 3:9 With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness.
As I pondered over this, I realized somethings...
When I scold someone "IDIOT!", I am scolding God too, for he/she is made in God's likeness.
When I think someone is ugly, I'm saying God is ugly too. What is ugliness anyway? Who has the right to say who is beautiful, and who is UGLY?
And I just can't believe people (including myself) can praise God like soooooooooo wonderfully in church during worship or prayer but on certain occasions, we curse, swear, say bad words like "F***!", "SH**!", "#$%%#$^", and so on like nobody's business!!!
Think about it today (I'm speaking to myself too)...
Do you need to change the way you talk?
Maybe you need to think twice before saying foul words?
Who are we to judge others?
How does it benefit yourself, or others by saying those stuffs?
A few reckless words spoken in anger and impatience can cause so much hurt and tear down the trust & respect others have for you in just a few seconds... So, THINK TWICE before you say something you might regret for the rest of your lives.
Monday, November 27, 2006
Movies, and more movies :)
Ok, over the 1 week (inclusive of 2 days of annual leave), I caught 3 movies:
1. Never Been Kissed
2. Not One Less (Chinese movie)
3. Casino Royale
And my verdict? Awesome! All 3 were great movies and I didn't regret catching them. Yeah, I can hear you, you sarcastic cynics, you and your negative remarks about those movies, but heck, like I bother... duh...
In my honest opinion, I was awestruck by those movies - the acting skills and most importantly, the story, the message.

I quote what she thinks about love:
"That thing, that moment, when you kiss someone and everything around becomes hazy and the only thing in focus is you and this person and you realize that that person is the only person that you're supposed to kiss for the rest of your life, and for one moment you get this amazing gift and you want to laugh and you want to cry because you feel so lucky that you found it and so scared that it will go away all at the same time."
Very rare nowadays to find people who have this mentality, especially in US. And did she find her true love at the end??? *smiles* Why don't you watch it yourself and tell me, or you could get to know the ending from me, in person *winks*

One of the kids ran away to the town (Beijing, I presume) to work because dad died, mom is sick. And he is only 9!!! My God! And the substitute teacher got to know about it and decided to go all the way to the town to get him back. It's just amazing, because the town is so far away, she decided to raise funds for the trip there together with her students, who are all kids 5-9 years olds. So the first job they tried to carry bricks because they heard that carrying 1 brick earns 1/2 cents. They needed 6 dollars, meaning they needed to carry 1200 bricks! Wow, and they all did it - carrying the bricks back and forth until the construction boss discovered them and scolded them for doing it without his knowledge and don't want to pay them. But after much persuasion and pity on them, he paid them 9 bucks :) And because they had a surplus of 3 dollars, they decided to go celebrate it by buying something to drink at a nearby store. And guess what? A can of Coke is 1.50, and there were at least 20 of the kids, including the teacher. Then the touching moment was when some of the kids said, nevermind, we can share. So the teacher bought 2 cans of Coke, and they all shared it. Just one or two sips per person!!! Oh man... I almost shed tears, looking at their condition...
This whole movie is full of scenes that will move your heart. And make you appreciate what you already have now, though you might complain and think you don't have enough. Face the fact - you will never have enough. It is human nature to keep wanting something more, better, bigger, nicer, etc. We should learn to be contented with what we have now, love the people around us and cherish the time we have to do meaningful stuffs.
This whole movie is full of scenes that will move your heart. And make you appreciate what you already have now, though you might complain and think you don't have enough. Face the fact - you will never have enough. It is human nature to keep wanting something more, better, bigger, nicer, etc. We should learn to be contented with what we have now, love the people around us and cherish the time we have to do meaningful stuffs.

Ok, back to work now... hahaha...
Sunday, November 26, 2006
I spilled blood!
Hahaha... actually, yesterday, 2nd service, was serving communion and right after serving the first person, a lady, my left foot couldn't find solid ground and I was totally shocked and completely lost my balance, and arrrrrrrrrrrggggggghhhhhhhh, I tried to steady my falling self with my free right hand, cos my left hand's holding the tray with the bread and wine. Thank God the whole tray didn't turn upside down, but the wine cups were shaken and splashed until half full. Amazingly, the bread was untouched and didn't kena any of the wine!!!
Anyways, I was absolutely embarassed and apologised to the lady profusely. Poor handbag! Anyways, I was so surprised that I could have missed that bag. Normally, I would carefully maneuver myself through the thin aisle between the chairs, avoiding all the bags, but dunno what happened this time round... sigh...
I felt sorry too, because I am carrying the Lord's body and blood. I mean, IT IS His body and blood. The bread and wine are not just a symbolical item to represent Him. But IT IS HIM, His body and blood, cos He said it. He never said, oh, this bread represents My body, this wine represents My blood. Nope. He said, "This is My body, broken for you" and "This is My blood, shed for the forgiveness of all your sins".
Oh, forgive me Lord, for I have erred!
Of course I must take this mistake seriously, because we can't just treat the bread and wine as symbols and meaningless items. I mean, let's take it this way, Jesus said it is His body and blood, right? And if He is right in front of you, give part of His body to you, and some of His blood to you, would you treat 'em with disdain, and assume that they are nothing more than symbols of Him? Of course not, right? His body and blood are too precious to be disdained. Somethimes, someone might drop the bread and I would give a new bread to the fella, and then I will pick up the bread, and put it back into the tray to be served again..... hahahaha, of course not lah! But I will pick it up and then discard it respectfully while saying sorry Lord under my breath. I mean, we've really got to take communion seriously, not just do it ritualistically, or like it's just another "religious practice". It is very, very powerful, and you just don't realize how much YOU can experience by taking communion seriously.
I'm real glad RLC have communion every Sunday, because we would have the opportunity to come before Christ's table and communion with Him. And have the chance to experience signs and wonders, miracles and breakthroughs, every Sunday, through communion. I can say this convincingly, because I come from 3 different churches before RLC, and all 3 only have communion once a month. I think most churches are also like that. Well, every church is unique so I wouldn't want to comment much whether who is better and who is not, so, I'm just saying that I'm glad that I can experience communion every Sunday. And I am more than glad and priviledged to serve communion every Sunday for both services. I mean, I do hear some guys complaining this and that but every opportunity I can serve God, I cherish it and consider myself priviledged enough to serve the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. And He has given me SO much and by serving Him, it is only a small return of His GIFT, and to express my love for Him, for He first loved me. I would, of course, never be able to repay Him in my whole lifetime, for what He has done for me. That's definitivamente.
Ok, I've gotto run to catch some lunch and spend some time praying too :) mid-air refill :)
Ephesians 6:11-13 (NKJV)
Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
Have a blessed week everyone!
Hahaha... actually, yesterday, 2nd service, was serving communion and right after serving the first person, a lady, my left foot couldn't find solid ground and I was totally shocked and completely lost my balance, and arrrrrrrrrrrggggggghhhhhhhh, I tried to steady my falling self with my free right hand, cos my left hand's holding the tray with the bread and wine. Thank God the whole tray didn't turn upside down, but the wine cups were shaken and splashed until half full. Amazingly, the bread was untouched and didn't kena any of the wine!!!
Anyways, I was absolutely embarassed and apologised to the lady profusely. Poor handbag! Anyways, I was so surprised that I could have missed that bag. Normally, I would carefully maneuver myself through the thin aisle between the chairs, avoiding all the bags, but dunno what happened this time round... sigh...
I felt sorry too, because I am carrying the Lord's body and blood. I mean, IT IS His body and blood. The bread and wine are not just a symbolical item to represent Him. But IT IS HIM, His body and blood, cos He said it. He never said, oh, this bread represents My body, this wine represents My blood. Nope. He said, "This is My body, broken for you" and "This is My blood, shed for the forgiveness of all your sins".
Oh, forgive me Lord, for I have erred!
Of course I must take this mistake seriously, because we can't just treat the bread and wine as symbols and meaningless items. I mean, let's take it this way, Jesus said it is His body and blood, right? And if He is right in front of you, give part of His body to you, and some of His blood to you, would you treat 'em with disdain, and assume that they are nothing more than symbols of Him? Of course not, right? His body and blood are too precious to be disdained. Somethimes, someone might drop the bread and I would give a new bread to the fella, and then I will pick up the bread, and put it back into the tray to be served again..... hahahaha, of course not lah! But I will pick it up and then discard it respectfully while saying sorry Lord under my breath. I mean, we've really got to take communion seriously, not just do it ritualistically, or like it's just another "religious practice". It is very, very powerful, and you just don't realize how much YOU can experience by taking communion seriously.
I'm real glad RLC have communion every Sunday, because we would have the opportunity to come before Christ's table and communion with Him. And have the chance to experience signs and wonders, miracles and breakthroughs, every Sunday, through communion. I can say this convincingly, because I come from 3 different churches before RLC, and all 3 only have communion once a month. I think most churches are also like that. Well, every church is unique so I wouldn't want to comment much whether who is better and who is not, so, I'm just saying that I'm glad that I can experience communion every Sunday. And I am more than glad and priviledged to serve communion every Sunday for both services. I mean, I do hear some guys complaining this and that but every opportunity I can serve God, I cherish it and consider myself priviledged enough to serve the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. And He has given me SO much and by serving Him, it is only a small return of His GIFT, and to express my love for Him, for He first loved me. I would, of course, never be able to repay Him in my whole lifetime, for what He has done for me. That's definitivamente.
Ok, I've gotto run to catch some lunch and spend some time praying too :) mid-air refill :)
Ephesians 6:11-13 (NKJV)
Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
Have a blessed week everyone!
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Guess how much is this sofa?

At least 1K? 2K?
How big issit arrrh? Ok, this is me, the new owner, relaxing on it...

Quite big right? And it's from IKEA but guess how much I got it for...
FREE! Hahahaha... Thank You Jesus!
I only paid for transportation, that's RM50. Actually I don't need to give RM50 for the driver, but I feel like blessing him :)
RM50 only for such a babe?
Unthinkable, right?
Heheheh......... well, the story is, it's my company's sofa, and my company want to change to a new one, so I was the first one to be asked whether I would like to have it or not. Now, talk about favour huh? I mean, there are at least 100 staff in my whole office, but I am the first to get such blessing :)
The end of the year is coming up, so I will soon be updating my Thanksgiving list. If you still remember, I always do one every year, as a form of gratitude to the Blesser, my Lord. And I can assure you that the list is really, really incredible, so much more than the previous year.
If you asked me whether this year is truly a year of Walking in ALL My Inheritance, I will definitely say YES with a super BIG exclamation mark. I feel like a prince, so pampered by the King of Kings :)
Sunday, November 19, 2006 |
Hahaha... got this from Evie's blog... kinda cool lah... and quite chun technology too... hahaha... go lah check out which celebrity looks like you!
Tuesday, November 14, 2006

~The beautiful nature reflects His love for us~
1 Corinthians 13:11-13 (NIV)
When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
Monday, November 13, 2006
A poem from my Father
The love poems are written
The songs have been sung,
About Me loving you
Since time had begun.
New ways to say it?
It's already been said,
The words are all dancing
Around in My head.
I consistently find
New ways to show
The depth of My love
You already know.
So how can I tell you
In ways yet untold,
How I'll always love you
Till time grows old?
How can I show you
In a thousand new ways,
That I'll love you forever
Plus one thousand days?
If only you could feel
What I feel inside,
Or taste all the tears
When My Son died.
There'd be no need
For words already said,
You'd know that I'll love you
Until even time's dead.
Until the oceans are gone
And still waters run dry,
Until time loses all meaning
And there's no moon in the sky.
You'll know that My love
Is the last true thing,
That will live beyond our future
And all that it brings.
So tonight when you go
Take yourself off to bed,
Let My words here
Be the last ones on your head.
The love poems are written
The songs have been sung,
About Me loving you
Since time had begun.
New ways to say it?
It's already been said,
The words are all dancing
Around in My head.
I consistently find
New ways to show
The depth of My love
You already know.
So how can I tell you
In ways yet untold,
How I'll always love you
Till time grows old?
How can I show you
In a thousand new ways,
That I'll love you forever
Plus one thousand days?
If only you could feel
What I feel inside,
Or taste all the tears
When My Son died.
There'd be no need
For words already said,
You'd know that I'll love you
Until even time's dead.
Until the oceans are gone
And still waters run dry,
Until time loses all meaning
And there's no moon in the sky.
You'll know that My love
Is the last true thing,
That will live beyond our future
And all that it brings.
So tonight when you go
Take yourself off to bed,
Let My words here
Be the last ones on your head.

Friday, November 10, 2006
What a crazy headachy day!
Phew... just reached back office after my car-poolers dropped me off, returning from Prince Hotel, for my company's off-site 2 days 2007 Plan meeting.
I was preparing my presentation, which went quite ok today, until 3am ++ last night, or early this morning, to be exact, and decided to get ready and go to wait for my car-poolers in the office, since the agreed time is 6:30am. I didn't want to take the risk to sleep for 2 hours, though I could have, because I was already very lacking in sleep for the past 1 week ++ and very very likely to miss ALL the 4 alarms I set-up. Yup... hahaha... that happened before... 3 on my xDA and 1 on my Nokia 3310.
So I reached my pitch-black, "haunted" office at 4 something, and then, with much assurance, after sending a "Please call me when you arrive at the office" to my colleague, I dozed off on my office's 5-feet sofa.
OH! It was like dunno how many rings before I realized it when my colleague called me at 6:40am. 2 hours of sleep in my full office attire on my office sofa....... not a common daily event! Hahaha... definitely crazeeto. Anyways, my eyelids seemed to be glued together, and I couldn't understand why I walked in and out of my office entrance at least 3 times... Hahaha... until my colleague called me again at 6:50am... hahaha... at least I was sleep-walking.
Anyways, my presentation was the 3rd, and had to endure the long presentations of the earlier 2 presenters until my turn. And the rest of the day was a battle of keeping my eyes open and trying to appear un-sleepy. And there were times it was SO bad that I had to escape to the restroom to take 15-mins naps. Totally unbearable, my fatigue and tiredness.
But had a good Japanese lunch in Tai Sho Zin and the day before too, I mean, dinner in Top Hat, a Nyonya-owned Western/Asian style bungalow restaurant in Jalan Stonor (near Jalan Kia Peng). Guess what I had? My very first OXTAIL STEW, or in local languages, Sup Ekor. Seriously, I never ate this stuff for the past 27 years and 10 months. And surprisingly, it was GOOD! Mmmmmm......... and I never knew it had bones... But I guess, there's always a first time, a beginning......
Oklah... gotta go back now... it's almost 9:30 and I seriously need to replenish my sleep tank. It's almost empty now.

Ciao friends, and have a great weekend! God blessszzzzzzzz......... *snore*
Phew... just reached back office after my car-poolers dropped me off, returning from Prince Hotel, for my company's off-site 2 days 2007 Plan meeting.
I was preparing my presentation, which went quite ok today, until 3am ++ last night, or early this morning, to be exact, and decided to get ready and go to wait for my car-poolers in the office, since the agreed time is 6:30am. I didn't want to take the risk to sleep for 2 hours, though I could have, because I was already very lacking in sleep for the past 1 week ++ and very very likely to miss ALL the 4 alarms I set-up. Yup... hahaha... that happened before... 3 on my xDA and 1 on my Nokia 3310.
So I reached my pitch-black, "haunted" office at 4 something, and then, with much assurance, after sending a "Please call me when you arrive at the office" to my colleague, I dozed off on my office's 5-feet sofa.
OH! It was like dunno how many rings before I realized it when my colleague called me at 6:40am. 2 hours of sleep in my full office attire on my office sofa....... not a common daily event! Hahaha... definitely crazeeto. Anyways, my eyelids seemed to be glued together, and I couldn't understand why I walked in and out of my office entrance at least 3 times... Hahaha... until my colleague called me again at 6:50am... hahaha... at least I was sleep-walking.
Anyways, my presentation was the 3rd, and had to endure the long presentations of the earlier 2 presenters until my turn. And the rest of the day was a battle of keeping my eyes open and trying to appear un-sleepy. And there were times it was SO bad that I had to escape to the restroom to take 15-mins naps. Totally unbearable, my fatigue and tiredness.
But had a good Japanese lunch in Tai Sho Zin and the day before too, I mean, dinner in Top Hat, a Nyonya-owned Western/Asian style bungalow restaurant in Jalan Stonor (near Jalan Kia Peng). Guess what I had? My very first OXTAIL STEW, or in local languages, Sup Ekor. Seriously, I never ate this stuff for the past 27 years and 10 months. And surprisingly, it was GOOD! Mmmmmm......... and I never knew it had bones... But I guess, there's always a first time, a beginning......
Oklah... gotta go back now... it's almost 9:30 and I seriously need to replenish my sleep tank. It's almost empty now.

Ciao friends, and have a great weekend! God blessszzzzzzzz......... *snore*
Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Woooooohooooooooooo! Completed and done PPA with my boss! And it was good........ PRAISE GOD!!! And thank God I'm gonna get increment and bonus.......... heheheh..........
That was really one huge mountain to climb. But I did it, with God leading the way, all the time :D
So now it's left with one more to go!!! After this last one, I think I can take a break for the year already.......... phew.................. that's a very, very relieving thought............
Are You ready God for this last one? *smiles*
Tuesday, November 07, 2006

From mountain to MOUNTAIN!
Bleh... thank God for the grace, favour, anointing and strength to present yesterday. It went pretty well and my colleague even commented that I did very well. I was kinda surprised cos I thought I stumbled in a few words and didn't pronounced some words well. Oh well, PRAISES to GOD because He is the reason, the ONLY reason for my success :) All GLORY to You Lord!
Thanks again friends for your prayers and encouragement. Really appreciate it.
And with one heavy burden of my shoulder, another 2 more to go!
Have to submit my PPA (Performance Appraisal) to my boss by tomorrow morning, and have to prepare for a presentation this Thursday.
Still can't relax YET!!! Sigh........... Guess I won't be sleeping again tonight.......... HELP! LORD!
I think I averaged something like 3 hours of sleep only for the past 1 week. Sigh... and double sigh...
BLESS me with DIVINE HEALTH LORD! At this most pressing moment in my life, I need You Lord. I trust and believe that You will lead me through it all. Thanks so much for taking care of me, and LOVING me so very muchie!
Here we go! Another BIGGIE to conquer! Hahaha... let's GO, LORD!
Sunday, November 05, 2006
17 hours more to go!!!
And I'm ready to go home now... sigh... just finished the final touch-ups... now need to go back and revise + study + study + study...
It's COMING! COMING! Aiks!!!
And I'm ready to go home now... sigh... just finished the final touch-ups... now need to go back and revise + study + study + study...
It's COMING! COMING! Aiks!!!
So here goes! My first post on Blogspot... haahaha..... too bad I reached the limit of uploading photos on Friendster.....